I wanna jump up and down and hug and high-five and chest-bump Aliza Licht and take her out for all the cocktails in the world. Why?
She's written a MAGNIFICENT book about building a career, making your mark, and playing the long game. The PR world has long needed a book like this, and the lessons within are applicable to any career, really.
Buy it; you won't regret it.
Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job. Kill It in Your Career. Rock Social Media.
Highlights include:
On being mentored and mentoring others
Why parents need to step the hell off
Work, work work, and then work some more
Do more than what is asked of you
Be an open, authentic communicator
I've bought this book as gifts for young women and men graduating high school and college this year, as well as a few 20somethings just getting started in their careers. Honestly, I have a few 30- and 40something friends who need this book, too. Perhaps Amazon will have to make a few anonymous deliveries. :)